Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Zoom zoom: Chen An turns 17 month old

Yikes, G forgot to update this blog...Again!

Let's see, Chen An turned 17 months old last week. From the last post till now (3 months), he has achieved lots more.

Now a very steady walker, he cannot be bothered to walk most of the time. He runs, and on every kind of surface imaginable. Concrete, grass, sand, bed, sofa, wading pool. U name it, he runs on it.

These past couple of weeks, he is trying to jump. For now, he will bend his knees and then try to propel himself up. G reckons it will take about 2 more months before he can master the jumping action. And he is also walking on tippy toes occasionally, as if trying to strengthen his calves in preparation for jumping. (Not to mention he has really nice calves which G is very envious of).

And climbing up and down obstacles is so easy for him...which makes taking care of him very tiring. Everywhere, no matter what is in his way, he climbs. Now, he has mastered the art of climbing up the computer chair (resulting in a few near falls and 1 rather serious bump on the head). Playgrounds, his favourite location to train his art of climbing, is fast becoming not much of a challenge for him. Up the slides (even the spiral ones), down the platforms which are twice as tall as him. But both J and G feels that it is much easier to look after him at the playground. Cos we only need to watch for his safety, make sure he doesn't fall off or try to pick up stuff from the ground and put it in his mouth. At home, it sounds like this:

"Chen An, no no! Don't touch that! Put that down! What is that? I say give it to me...put it back! NnnnooooooO!"

He is one talkative kid. He talks...all the time...and at socially unacceptable volumes :P He also likes to sing. Recently, he has learnt to finish off the lines for Twinkle Twinkle Little well as the last few words of the 青蛙 (frog) song. Goes something like that...

G: Twinkle Twinkle little.....
G: How I wonder what you...
XXM: R.....
G: Up above the world so...
G: Like a diamond in the...
XXM: S...Ky!
G: Twinkle Twinkle little.....
G: How I wonder what you...
XXM: R.....

G: 一只青蛙一张嘴,两颗眼睛四条腿。扑通...
XXM: gu gua gu gua...pu tong! xia xia shui! (跳下水)

Now that his vocabulary has build up to about...dunno how many words.... he is starting to put words together. Sing some more, Go playground, 喝 (drink) juice :)

Never a shy kid, Chen An is a popular figure in the neighbourhood. In fact, J and G reckon that Chen An actually knows more people than they do...

He has also reached that stage where he thinks he owns everything. That proves to be a problem when he tries to snatch toys from kids at the playground. Most of the time, he willingly return the toys...but he always goes back to the same kids and try to take the toys again :(

Chen An is also learning that by screaming and crying (i.e. throwing a tantrum), he can get his way (sometimes). For a period of time, G was driven mad by his tantrums. Luckily, the frequency seem to be dropping a little...and he usually calms down after some soothing. The tantrums also prompted G to start reading up on parenting...esp since Chen An is fast approaching the terrible twos stage. Tantrums, sleep regressions, and the much dreaded 'Why' stage is coming...

Scary times ahead...stay tuned for more :)

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