157 beats per minute.
That's how fast Xiao Xiong Mao's heart is beating now.
People have been telling G that she had a relatively easy first trimester as she only had nausea and did not actually vomit. However, in the past week, giddiness and headaches have set in.
The books say that the second trimester is the best bit of pregnancy, with energy levels being the highest. It is also supposed to be when the cravings begin. Fun times ahead then.
J and G went to the gynecologist together for the first time. Xiao Xiong Mao is coming along nicely. Blood test results for G came back clear and Xiao Xiong Mao's risk of having Down Syndrome is about 20 times lower than the risk indicated by G's age.
All in all, looking forward to the next ultrasound scan to see further developments.
P.S. For some reason, everyone around J and G have been saying that they already knew about the pregnancy. Is it really that obvious?
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