Sunday, 29 January 2012

Xiao Xiong Mao is now coming to 12 weeks :)
He/She is 4.8cm long from head to buttocks...and during the scan, can do kicks and punches + nodding the head :)

J finally got to see his baby for the first time...probably is a reality check for him.
Yes, it is real.
He is gonna be a daddy.

As for G, she is just very very relieved and happy to see the baby moving, and to see the little heart beating so strongly :)

All's well with the Nuchal Translucency (NT) scan.
Next up will be Dr's appointment this coming Friday...

In the meantime, G is continuing the endless battle with nausea, poor appetite and fatigue (already lost 1kg)..while J is trying to catch up on his baby-book reading.

Won't be long till we can announce the big news to everyone :)

Friday, 6 January 2012

J is on overseas G has to go to the first OBGYN appointment with her mum
Baby is 18mm long (crown to rump) and EDD is 14 Aug 2012 =)

Best part of the scan is to see the baby's heart beating...
Such a tiny little thing, yet already very much having a life of its own =)

Next appointment on 27 Jan 2012 for NT scan + blood tests (OSCAR)
Hopefully this time J can come so that he can see his baby for the very first time...